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  • Writer's pictureRED Dan

Aaand we're back!

Like the never ending National Lockdowns, RED Jan has returned, but this year there will be no trying new things or even participating in my usual sports. The blog is back mainly to see how many ways I can write 'Today I went for a walk around the block...'

As a personal favourite last year, the Fitbit step count challenges are back! It would be too out of character for me not to make something as boring as going for slow strolls, as competitive as possible. Like last year the aim is to achieve at least 10,000 steps per day and instead of participating in group activities, I will try and complete some different at home workouts or challenges that I can complete on my own or with Sam (who after just a few days is already sick of me banging on about exercising).

Day 1

Let's be honest, does New Years Day even count as January? It's still very much one of those days in the abyss where we have no idea what day or time it is, we're just thinking about when it's acceptable to finish the last of the Celebrations and Heroes.

Anyway, partaking in the yearly 'New Year, New Me' motto, me and Sam decided that we are going to lose the lockdown weight and went for our first run of they year. Okay so run may be a slightly excited term, slow jog for 1km... which turned to a pacey walk, which turned in to a slow shuffle, which went back in to a steady jog for the last 0.4km (you know, so the neighbours think we're super keen runners that have jogged the whole thing with barely a sweat broken).

Oh well - start as you mean to go on and all that!

End of day total: 13,354 steps

Day 2

It's a Saturday and I'm already hating the lack of hockey being played. I of course needed to recover from our previous run attempt on day 1, and due to buying our first home in December, most of the day was spent laying around enjoying the new found space and freedom.

There was a spot of hoovering which was unexpectedly labour intensive, so we'll count that as the exercise for the day! (Those who know me will know that hoovering is in fact a new activity for me, so maybe lockdown wont affect my RED Jan too much after all...)

End of day total: 4,196 steps

Day 3

Sunday was a good day. With the National Lockdown 3.0 coming back to ruin another year, we met a friend who has been having a hard time with it all for a socially distanced walk. With some new scenery to take in, months worth of gossip to catch up on (some things are best to giggle about in person as opposed to over WhatsApp) and some new boots to break in, 5 miles was over before we knew it.

We met some lovely big dogs in training and nearly lost a couple of shoes in the muddy trenches left by the tractors, hands were going numb from the cold and the sun started to set far to early for all of our liking. This will potentially be the most exciting day of January - best appreciate the small things.

End of day total: 14,872 steps

Day 4

Monday officially brought with it the January blues. It was the first day back at work, which these days means dragging my half dressed self in to the next room, toothbrush still in mouth, to switch on my laptop and begin scrolling through a week and a half's worth of emails, followed by the New Year reports that will become the centre of my life for the next month.

It did however mean the start of the first Fitbit challenge! This year we have started small with just 2 of us competing in a workweek hustle. My competitor got off to a flying start, getting in an early lunchtime marathon* leaving me miserably trailing by the end of the day. Not to worry, 4 more days to go and plenty of time in the cold, dark misery to catch up!

*No actual marathons will be attempted in the duration of RED January. We may be keen, but we are not crazy.

End of day total: 8,138 steps

Day 5

Another day in the home office means unlike last year there are no early morning steps from the car to easily boost my target. This year we will definitely have to work harder to achieve goals.

A lunchtime lone walk meant I was able to pick up the pace, these days a walk with Sam and her bad knee is more of a 'drag her around by her hand, feet trailing behind like a sulky child'. I made a decent dent in my days target, however so had my competitor so my lead is still a distant hope.

By days end I was tired, grumpy and cold, but with an update from the competitor I knew a walk must be done. With some slightly aggressive persuasion, Sam agreed to join me and we went out for a short exploration of the new area, managing to finally locate the park area we knew was around somewhere.

End of day total: 13,292 steps

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